February 8, 2010 – More than half of Quebecers who are in a relationship – men and women alike – say they are too tired to have sex more often. And 20% say they are too stressed, while 26% say they are too busy. This is what reveals a recent survey carried out for KY Brand with more than 1,000 respondents, in a relationship for more than 3 years.1.
- More than 40% of Quebecers in a relationship say they are very satisfied with their sex life and 58% little or not satisfied.
- 57% consider it important or very important to have a satisfying sex life; and 42% somewhat or not at all important.
- Percentage of Quebecers in a relationship who say they have sex …
3 or more times per week: 14%;
Twice a week: 19%;
Once a week: 26%;
Once every 2 weeks: 13%;
Less than once a month: 17%.
- 25% said they would like to have sex 3 or more times a week; 32%, twice a week; and 24%, once a week.
- More than half of Quebecers surveyed were first attracted by the kindness of their spouse (58%) and by physical appearance (56%).
- Today, it is kindness (63%), honesty (54%), reliability (53%) and a sense of humor (41%) that they appreciate most in their partner, before physical appearance.
Carole Boulé – PasseportSanté.net
1. The survey was conducted by the firm Vision Critical in December 2009 among 1,007 Canadians aged 25 and over and in a relationship for 3 years and over.