Helps reduce edema
Lymphatic drainage is something traditionally offered in many German spas. It is the perfect way to give your skin a nice boost and people with edema can benefit a lot from it. This form of massage focuses, among other things, on the moisture balance in the body.
The human body consists of more than two thirds of water. If your fluid balance is in order, all processes in your body will therefore function better. Lymphatic drainage ensures that the fluid is drained faster. In addition, it increases your resistance and lowers any stress.
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Dispose of waste
Your lymphatic system is somewhat like your circulatory system, in which your blood circulates. Only the latter has its own pumping system – the heart – while your lymphatic system depends on your muscle movements to circulate the lymph. The lymph is an almost colorless, clear liquid that consists of water, proteins, waste products and white blood cells. Your lymph nodes, also called lymph nodes, filter the lymph fluid after which waste products are removed through your bloodstream. The lymphatic system also ensures that the moisture content of the tissues in the body remains in balance and is important for the defense against diseases and infections. However, there are various factors, such as illness or stress, that can ensure that insufficient circulation takes place and that fluid buildup (oedema) occurs. A lymphatic drainage or massage of the lymphatics stimulates the fluid flow and removes fluid accumulations and thus helps to remove waste products from the body.
Manual or with cups
Lymphatic drainage is performed in two ways: by hand (manually) or using vacuum cups. The latter are gently pushed over your body, so that the lymph is drained under pressure. Not only that, it also stimulates blood and oxygen circulation to the skin, giving it a healthy glow. Manual lymphatic drainage has the same effect, but with slightly less pressure on your muscles, which some people find more pleasant. The lymph nodes that are deeper under the bones can also be reached better with the fingers and manual lymphatic drainage can immediately provide relief in case of blockages or edema. Lymph drainage is therefore not a relaxation massage, some people think it is best to give it a while and your skin can feel quite sensitive after the treatment.
The benefits of lymphatic drainage
- Reduce fluid retention/edema
- Your skin gets a healthy glow
- It stimulates blood circulation
- Boost for your immune system by removing waste products faster
- Reduction of cellulite through the drainage of subcutaneous moisture
After a lymphatic drainage, you will have to urinate more often to remove all the fluid with waste. It is therefore important to drink enough water after the massage to get your moisture level back up to standard. Would you like to experience lymphatic drainage yourself? Then go for a cure with our eastern neighbors. For more information about spa visits in Germany, visit: