The company that produces Pepito Pockitos recalls its products, due to the presence of pieces of rubber of at least 10 millimeters.
“He’s completely choco, Pepito!” Says the slogan. In reality, Pepito is also a bit of a rubber… Mondelez France company, which produces the famous chocolate biscuits, is launching an alert on its products. In question: the proven presence of bits of rubber.
10 millimeter pieces
“Mondelez France is withdrawing from the sale of batches of the product Pepito Pockitos milk chocolate and Pepito Pockitos dark chocolate, as a precautionary measure, given the possible presence of pieces of soft rubber with a maximum size of 10 millimeters », Specifies a press release from the company.
The lots concerned are boxes of 295 grams of Pepito Pockitos milk chocolate or dark chocolate, to be consumed preferably before the end of November 2015, marketed from March 4, 2015, in large distribution networks only. The lots are numbered 041, 042, 043, 044, 047, 049, 050 and 069.
The stores, which distribute the Pepito, must remove the products and destroy them. However, some have already been marketed. Above all, people who have these products should not consume them. They can bring them back to the point of sale where they were purchased, and where they will be refunded.
Products are regularly recalled by manufacturing companies, due to defects or the presence of bacteria, for example. The dangers are more or less severe. A list is available on the website of the UFC Que Choisir consumer association.