the kale, it is “the” star of superfoods: rich in nutrients (in particular in vitamins C, K, E, B and A, as well as in manganese, copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium), it is also stuffed with fiber andantioxidants good for health … International studies have even shown that it can prevent certain cancers and protect the immune system! In short, it is a must in the healthy way of life.
Except that according to Lauren Imparato, the famous New York yoga teacher with 50,000 followers on Instagram, it should not be abused, at the risk of harming our health.
Indeed, according to her, the kale is first of all the enemy of our stomach: “Every time we consume kale, it’s like swallowing a cactus” explains the teacher at Daily Mail. Difficult to digest, this green cabbage could thus cause bloating, intestinal disturbances and heartburn.
Kidney stones
In addition, like all foods rich in oxalates (we think in particular of sorrel, spinach, celery, rhubarb, or even cooked red beets), kale could promote the appearance of kidney stones, if it is consumed too frequently and in too much quantity. Finally (always if consumed in excess), it could also disrupt the action of the thyroid (especially hormonal production) because it contains goitrogens.
The teacher’s advice? Always steam the kale before eating it, to make it easier to digest. Then limit yourself to a few leaves a day, no more (“it can replace salad, for example,” explains Lauren Imparato). Finally, stay tuned to your body: “if you have digestive problems on a recurring basis, bet on another superfood! “.
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