Is non-alcoholic beer or non-alcoholic wine healthy?
Patricia Schutte, nutritionist
Non-alcoholic beer and non-alcoholic wine are better choices than beer and wine with alcohol. But that doesn’t mean these non-alcoholic drinks are healthy. Just like soda and juices, they often contain quite a bit of sugar. So you still get a lot of calories. In addition, the acids in these drinks are not good for your teeth.
The Nutrition Center advises not to drink alcohol. And if you drink it to take a maximum of one glass. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of diseases such as cancer. Read more about it here consequences of drinking alcohol.
Calories and sugar
If you want to drink less alcohol, alcohol-free variants can be good alternatives. In addition to the fact that there is no alcohol in these drinks, they also contain a lot fewer calories (up to half). But it still has sugar in it. And drinking sugary drinks increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. You can see how much sugar it contains on the label.
Furthermore, non-alcoholic drinks may contain acids, for example by adding fruit juice or food acids such as citric acid (E 330). You can also see this on the label with the ingredients. Acids damage the enamel of your teeth. The more often the tooth enamel comes into contact with acid, the faster you develop cavities. Non-alcoholic drinks may also contain carbon dioxide (prick). Carbon dioxide makes a drink slightly more acidic, but it is not so acidic that it is bad for your teeth.
So it is preferable to choose drinks from the Wheel of Five: water (possibly with a fizz), tea and coffee without sugar. Do not take other drinks too often. Alcohol-free beers and wines can be a good alternative for parties and on weekends.
Under 18? Then, as a precaution, we advise not to drink alcohol-free beer or wine. It is not known whether drinking these drinks can ensure that you get used to the taste, and therefore you may start drinking alcoholic beverages earlier.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
Patricia Schutte has been working as an information officer at the Nutrition Center in The Hague for more than 25 years. She answers questions about healthy, sustainable and safe food.