There nothing abnormal that gases appear during digestion, moreover, an adult can produce up to 1.5 L daily! Their accumulation can nevertheless cause discomfort such as burpingof the bloating or some flatulence. If the latter are generally not reasons to worry, they can still embarrass daily life and be a source of pain.
How to limit the risk of bloating?
In order to prevent the risk of developing such digestive disorders, it is advisable to pay attention to certain foods, which may be the cause of their triggering. These are generally products likely to ferment or cause intolerancesand the body’s reaction to these foods varies greatly from one individual to another.
If an element is a source of digestive problems, it is recommended to temporarily limit its consumption. There are ways to then reintroduce it gradually, in particular by carrying out long cooking or by pairing it with spices and aromatics that limit the appearance of gas, such as ginger or cumin. It is also advisable to give preference to gentle cooking, and to soak or blanch the food, before discarding the cooking water and then continuing to prepare it. If the problem persists despite everything, it is recommended to consult a doctor, in order to determine if there is an intolerance to the food concerned.
In addition to this monitoring, doctors recommend, more broadly, to take the time to eat, because the precipitation increases the risk of swallowing air, and inflating the esophagus and stomach. They also advise to chew food enough, otherwise the stomach will have a hard time digesting them. Finally, it should be noted that the stress can also cause similar problems.
How to cure gas problems?
When theflatulence becomes frequent, it is advised to see a doctor to determine the cause. Some natural elements can nevertheless help relieve occasional discomfort.
This is the case, for example, of plants with digestive propertiessuch as green anise,dill or even caraway. THE fennel is also a very popular vegetable, and it can be consumed in the form of infusions, seeds, or even essential oil. THE vegetable coal is also a natural remedy for gas problems. It comes from the calcination of coconut shells or wood, and it has the ability to assimilate up to 100 times the equivalent of its own weight in gas. It can be consumed in the form of capsules, granules and powders.
Finally, it is also recommended to practice a regular physical activitywhich accelerates the evacuation of gases from the body.
The foods presented in the slideshow are examples of those that cause the most flatulence and bloating. Nevertheless, several of them enter into the composition of a balanced diet. Do not hesitate to approach a dietician or a doctor, if disorders associated with the consumption of one of these elements are observed.
- Bloating, flatulence and aerophagiaVidal, 12/12/2019.
- Abdominal discomfort, poor digestion, bloating, excess gasFrançois Cessot, Jean-Christophe Létard, Pauline Jouët, French National Society of Gastro-Enterology.
- Foods that cause gas and bloatingHeartburn Info.
- Natural remedies for aerophagia and bloatingVulgaris Medical 04/24/2014