700 doctors answered a questionnaire on their income. General practitioners based in France earn on average 5,404 euros net per month.
Angry with the Health Act and the generalized third-party payment, liberal doctors also often complain about their income. General practitioners in particular, paid 23 euros per consultation, would like to earn more. Nicolas Revel, the director of health insurance, who has promised to open negotiations after the professional elections (October 12), for his part asserts that the “gross” income of general practitioners has increased in 4 years. What to reassure practitioners? Not really, because according to the CARMF (1) the “net” income of the liberals is stagnating. To find out how much money this represents, the site SwapUnDoc.com, specializing in replacing doctors in France, conducted the investigation. Why actor got the results this study carried out with 677 practitioners (2).
Great disparities between regions
The first lesson of this survey is that general practitioners based in France say they earn on average 28 € / hour for a remuneration that would reach 5,404 € / month net. These revenues would range from € 25 / hour (West and South-East) to € 35 / hour (Paris-intramuros), a difference of 40%, depending on the region!
As a result, net monthly salaries range from € 4,647 (South West) to € 6,063 (Grand Center and North East), ie a difference of 30%. The precision will undoubtedly interest medical students and future installed …
Finally, there is a significant pay gap between Paris (€ 35 / hour) and the rest of Ile de France (€ 27 / hour).
Substitutes less well off
For substitute general practitioners in France, the situation is, on the other hand, much less good. They earn on average 23.4 € / hour for remuneration that does not exceed 3,414 € / month net.
In addition, even if they did not respond to the survey, 86 results according to TrocUnDoc, the installed specialists seem to earn on average 5,845 € / month (net). The 12 emergency physicians who answered, for example, declared earning € 6,542 / month (net).
Days beyond 10 hours
Finally, the site also investigated the working hours of doctors. An installed general practitioner would work, on average, 46 hours / week, or an average of 10.3 hours / day.
And here again there are strong disparities depending on the region, general practitioners in the North-East have the largest hourly volume with an average of 52 hours of weekly work. It is the general practitioners of intramural Paris who have, according to this survey, the lowest hourly volume with 41 hours of weekly work. The difference is 27%!
(1) Autonomous Retirement Fund for Doctors of France
(2) The survey was conducted throughout France (DOM-TOM included) at random (social networks, mailing, word of mouth). The results were mainly used for general practitioners: 304 installed physicians and 287 replacement physicians. 86 specialists responded to the survey: a section is dedicated to them at the end of the study