The incomes of general practitioners did not increase in 2015. Conversely, those of specialists increased slightly.
Already angry with the current five-year term and Health Insurance, liberal doctors will pout when reading these figures. The Caisse Autonome de Retraite des Médecins de France (CARMF) has just published all the net income they declared in 2015 (BNC). And the finances of our practitioners are not on the rise. For the 106,111 declarations recorded, the income is slightly up by 0.56% in current euros compared to 2014.
The incomes of the 55,000 general practitioners are even worse and are no longer increasing (+ 0.03%). Those in sector I thus amount to 75,500 euros. For their part, medical specialists do not do much better with incomes which increase slightly (+ 1.18%). They are fixed at 105,700 euros.
Tops and flops
Among the strongest increases, we find neurology (+ 4.53%), radiology medical imaging (+ 4.33% all sectors combined, + 10.36% for those in sector 2) and otolaryngology (+ 2.42%). The most significant decreases are found among pediatricians (- 3.40% all sectors combined, – 4.43% for those in sector 1), stomatologists (- 2.93%) or gynecologists, medical ( – 2.82%) or obstetric (- 2.34%).
For Dr Thierry Lardenois, president of the CARMF, this report has a bitter taste. In a press release published on Wednesday, he confides: “At a time when the Ministry of Health announces a spectacular return to the balance of Social Security accounts, reflecting an unprecedented gain in productivity and efficiency in the world of health, we have the right to wonder about the ridiculous increase in the 2015 incomes of liberal doctors: a handout at most! “
The indictment of the president of the CARMF
And this doctor goes even further in his complaint since he specifies that with inflation and the explosion of charges, and “without remuneration based on public health objectives (ROSP), they (this income) would be in free fall ! Liberal medicine is on oxygen! », Adds the president.
And the price increases planned for in 7 months according to the medical agreement do not reassure him. “Our health care system is seriously ill. In the absence of an effective treatment, one can fear an imminent admission to intensive care … “, he concludes.
Source: CARMF