March 31, 2017.
On Tuesday March 28, the government launched a big plan to improve the sexual health of the French. The main objective is to fight more effectively against the spread of the AIDS virus.
Sensitize young people to the risks of AIDS
How can we ensure that young people are better protected against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? The Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, who unveiled, Tuesday March 28, her “ global strategy for improving and promoting the sexual health of French people “. The idea being to make young people more aware of these questions, both biologically and psychologically.
” The objective of this strategy is ambitious: ensure, by 2020, that 95% of people living with HIV know their status, that 95% of people living with HIV have access to treatment and that 95% of people on treatment have an undetectable viral load “, Detailed Marisol Touraine in a press release. Currently, nearly 150,000 people are believed to be infected with the AIDS virus and 30,000 of them are unaware of their HIV status.
Special attention to adolescents under 15
This plan is naturally intended for the entire population, but the government wants to pay special attention to adolescents under the age of 15, ” of which 20% have already entered into sexuality “. Marisol Touraine wants these adolescents to be informed about the means of contraception that exist and that they know that the condom remains the best way to protect themselves from diseases.
Ultimately, the government would like “ permanently eliminate epidemics of sexually transmitted infections “. At the head of this great plan, the government appointed Professor Patrick Yeni, a doctor specializing in infectious diseases and president of the National AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Council. He will also have to ensure promote research, knowledge and innovation in sexual health.
Marine Rondot
Read also: Sexually transmitted infections: beware of full hair removal!