Here is how often you should change your sheets to maintain good hygiene and health.
- It is advisable to change your sheets every week.
- More than 3/4 of French people put clean sheets only every 15 days.
Dead skin cells, perspiration, toxins from sweat, secretions from the skin, mucous membranes and small drops of urine that can give rise to fungus…that’s the unsavory minefield that bedding can become. if sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases are not changed at least once a week!
This recommended rhythm is far from being followed by the French, who are only 37% to do it once a week. Worse, according to an Ifop poll, 1 out of 5 French people change their sheets only once a month. However, it is a habit to adopt so as not to put our health at risk.
500 million cells
In fact, we lose 500 million skin cells per day,which accumulate in the sheets between two washes and which attract tiny dust mites: they love to feed on these dead cells. Laboratory tests have also revealed that swabs taken from pillowcases that have not been washed for a week harbor 17,000 times more bacteria colonies que samples taken from a toilet seat.
Allergies, asthma…
All that lovely little ecosystem and dust mite droppings can trigger allergies, asthma, and cause flare-ups of eczema. This is because these contain proteins which, if inhaled or come into contact with the skin, raise the level of antibodies which cause the body to produce histamine, which can cause the redness and swelling often associated with allergies and trigger coughing, sneezing or itchy eyes.
If you don’t have any allergies, you could develop one simply because you are constantly confronted with dust mites: we spend a third of our lives in bed.
Persistent germs
Washing your sheets every seven days maximum is all the more a trick to take if you tend to eat in your bed, if you do not sleep alone, if you sleep naked, if you sweat particularly (especially in summer!) … or if you or your partner has been sick. In the latter case, it is advisable to immediately put the sheets in the washing machine to kill any lingering germs.
Indeed, most bacteria or viruses can survive on soft surfaces for a few minutes or a few hours. This duration varies according to the microbe concerned: influenza viruses only live for 15 minutes on the tissues, but certain stomach microbes can survive there for 4 hours.
Additional sideboard
And sleeping with our favorite animal does not help, on the contrary: the hair and dander of your dog or kitten become an additional buffet for dust mites.
To wash your bed linen effectively, washing at 60 or 70 degrees is recommended to get rid of germs. Don’t forget the duvets to be washed twice a year and the pillows to be put in the washing machine every two months.