Any type of relationship, whether friendly, professional or romantic, can be toxic.
Feeling negative or unpleasant emotions around a friend or spouse, feeling exhausted or worthless after spending time together, can be signs of a toxic relationship. It is then very often one-way and for the benefit of only one of the two people.
How do you recognize people who are toxic to yourself?
Very often pernicious, the toxic relationship often begins with a few reproaches or remarks which are in reality attempts at manipulation or destabilization. Gradually, harassment, insulting remarks or unhealthy jealousy set in, making the relationship very quickly unbearable.
There is no single profile of toxic people everyone can become toxic without realizing it. In general, whether in private or professional life, the toxic person seeks to dominate, manipulate, put under control and stir up jealousy within the couple, in friendship or between colleagues.
How to get out?
To get out of it, it is first necessary to become aware of the relationship and what it brings you. Understanding that we cannot be happy with this person is already realizing all the harm they are doing to us.
If when talking with your friend, your colleague or your partner, about your discomfort, your feelings and your frustration, he does not do his best to improve the situation, in this case it is better to move away and even to cut ties to avoid further suffering.
How to protect yourself?
It is possible to protect yourself from toxic relationships by asking yourself about your own relationship with others and about what makes you happy and contributes to our well-being. Putting aside relationships that destabilize and pull down allows you to avoid destroying yourself little by little.
Find out more: “Freeing yourself from toxic relationships: Getting out of the emotional trap by building new bonds” by France Brécard, Eyrolles editions.