Last August, the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn asked the High Authority for Health to reassess the‘homeopathy, currently reimbursed up to 30% by Social Security. The question that arises is: is this reimbursement legitimate? A decree was published on March 17, it specifies the methods of evaluation by the commission of the transparency of the HAS . A draft opinion has just been submitted in which, according to information revealed par France Info, the High Authority believes that homeopathic pellets offer a “insufficient medical service” and recommends their reimbursement.
Final opinion in June
HAS has sent this draft opinion laboratories manufacturing homeopathic medicines (Boiron, Lehning and Weleda) to inform them. They now have 10 days to formulate their written observations and, if necessary, ask to be heard by HAS. If this is the case, the Transparency Committee will then have 45 days to respond to these hearing requests.
Why evaluate homeopathic medicines?
The aim of this study is, according to the HAS, “to evaluate the 1200 homeopathic medicines (strains) which have neither marketing authorization (AMM) nor precise indication”. Lare homeopathic medicines have been evaluated “taking into account their efficacy and their adverse effects, their place in the therapeutic strategy (in particular with regard to other available treatments), the seriousness of the conditions for which they are intended and their benefit for public health”.
To enable these analyses, the Transparency Committee relied on national and international scientific literature, on data submitted by three laboratories, and on contributions from stakeholders (patients, healthcare professionals) who were interviewed in April .
Meanwhile, the Academies of Medicine and Pharmacy have spoken against reimbursement homeopathic medicines and asked the laboratories to indicate on the packaging “that no effectiveness is scientifically proven”.
Read also:
74% of French people consider homeopathy effective
Homeopathy is effective against pain