It is strongly advised to consult a homeopath before embarking on any treatment, for two reasons.
The first is that this appointment will make theself-medication easier, by making it possible to become familiar with the particular reasoning which governs the implementation of this medicine. For homeopathy, let’s remember, the essential thing is not the disease, but the way the patient reacts to it. Hence a thorough questioning aimed at finding the right remedy for each patient. And questions that may seem surprising, such as: “Are you always thirsty, or on the contrary never? » ;
“Do you prefer sweet or salty foods? » ; “Are you chilly or are you always too hot? “. Anyone who has never used this medicine and is simply starting out with a guide may be surprised by this approach and feel a little lost when choosing a medicine for their stomach ache among the dozen proposed, depending on whether his pains are more like heartburn or cramps, whether they are alleviated by a nap or by a hot water bottle, etc. One or two consultations teach you to ask yourself about the circumstances of the onset of your symptoms (after a festive meal, an emotional shock, a damp cold?), about what aggravates them (taking certain foods, humidity) or decreases them (Open window). And to get to know each other better, homeopathically speaking.
Second advantage of a preliminary consultation: it also allows the doctor to get to know us and to find the remedies that suit us. Nothing is easier, then, than to repeat the same prescription, which has proven its worth, when the same disorders recur. The student now knows that when he has trouble finding the sleep because he fears an event the next day, a dose of Gelsemium in 15 CH will allow him to sleep like a baby to put the odds on his side. Her mother will take over Ignatia who relieves her when she feels tense as a bow and hyperemotional. And she will give Coffea to her children if they are overexcited at bedtime, or even Stramonium to repel their night terrors. Moreover, once they know us, most homeopathic doctors are very happy to give advice over the telephone.