A burn while turning skewers during a barbecue, a mega sunburn after a nap at the beach, a fall while walking… The carefree nature of vacations can lead straight to the hospital. Dr. Eric Reboli, emergency physician, shares his advice to ensure that summer vacations remain a good memory.
Why Doctor: Every year, everyday accidents are the cause of 5 million emergency room visits, several hundred thousand hospitalizations, and above all more than 20,000 deaths in France. But what type of intervention exactly do we put behind this rather broad term?
Dr. Eric Reboli : Everyday accidents are all accidents that occur outside of professional life. That is to say, which take place in private life. At home of course, but also during sports or activities that I would call “dilettante” such as a barbecue or a game with loved ones.
Throughout the year, sport is a major contributor to everyday accidents in emergency rooms. Cases of falls, ankle injuries, fractures or pain are very numerous, particularly during periods of sporting events.
“Sunburn is also a recurring reason for consultations during the summer”
What types of accidents do you see most in emergency rooms during the summer holidays?
The weather and holidays have a significant impact on accident rates. As soon as the weather is nice, people go out. They ride bikes, have barbecues, go to the swimming pool… these are all situations that can lead to emergency services in the event of inattention. We have an increase in consultations for trauma, burns, fractures, etc.
During the holidays or summer weekends, there are also many accidents related to gardening or DIY. When pruning trees and hedges, for example, there are falls, but also wounds with secateurs or lawnmowers.
Moreover, these are not accidents, in the literal sense, but sunburns are also recurring reasons for consultations during the summer. People fall asleep in their garden, on a beach or by a river, and they arrive very red and especially with blisters. Exposing yourself to the sun without sunscreen for several hours can cause second-degree burns.
Are there any everyday accidents that children experience during the summer?
Concerning children, the measures taken have made it possible to significantly reduce swimming pool accidents. However, children under 6 years old remain one of the most affected populations, representing 22% of accidental drownings in 2021. After the sea, swimming pools and waterways are the most frequent places where this type of tragedy occurs.
But – as with adults – emergency room visits are mainly linked to accidents occurring during sport or through clumsiness.
Furthermore, accidents in everyday life may have also decreased among children, because the activities preferred by young people are more virtual than before. Their games are much more connected and less physical. There is less risk of injury while playing with a game console. This can lead to other pathologies linked to obesity or poor hygiene, but that is another problem.
Everyday accidents: “It is essential to apply first aid procedures”
What are the right actions to take after an everyday accident while on vacation?
If the injury is serious or if you do not know if it requires medical attention, you should call 15. But the most important thing is not to panic and to keep your cool in the event of an accident. It is essential to apply first aid quickly. For example, you should apply pressure if there is a major wound. If the patient is having difficulty breathing, you should put them in a sitting position. And especially if they are no longer breathing and their heart is no longer beating, you should perform cardiac massage until help arrives.
If there is a wound on the face or hand, you should consult a doctor. A wound on the hand can be dramatic, indeed. When it is on a tendon or a joint, it can cause significant after-effects if an infection sets in. And on the face, it can create aesthetic after-effects. This is why you should consult a doctor as soon as possible in these cases. For a wound elsewhere – if it is not bleeding profusely and if it is not very deep – it is not necessary to consult a doctor immediately. The main thing is to disinfect.
Regarding insect bites, very common in summer. There are two cases: the allergic person and the non-allergic person. For those with allergies, they should always have an adrenaline pen in their pocket or bag during the sunny days.
For those who are not allergic, don’t worry. It may itch, swell or be red, but the risk of complications is minimal. To reduce the pain, the first thing to do is to heat the bitten area with a hair dryer, for example. You should know that the venom of bees, wasps or even some snakes is thermolabile. That is to say, it can be dissolved by being subjected to heat. This offers an effective and rapid reaction that makes the pain disappear. Then, simply put on an alcohol bandage to disinfect.
Burns: “There is only one thing to do, put the burned area under water at 15 degrees”
What are the mistakes to avoid when faced with burns, which are common in the age of barbecues and planchas?
Mistakes can be invented by the hundreds. Even today, I regularly discover new ones despite my years of experience. For example, on burns, I have already seen butter, honey, milk… when there is only one thing to do: put the burned area under water at 15 degrees for at least 15 minutes, or as long as the burn is painful. Only this classic treatment works. Everything else is a mistake…
After placing the burn under water, wrap the burned area with a clean, dry cotton cloth.
Do not apply any cream and even less any substances like butter or oil. Again, when faced with a burn, the only good answer is to moisturize the skin with cool water.
Holidays: “whatever the activity, you have to do it with the right protection”
What are your tips for avoiding everyday accidents while on vacation?
By definition, an accident is difficult to avoid. It always happens stupidly. I have never seen a smart fall or a predictable wound. But you have to be careful not to take excessive risks during your vacation. Cycling, hiking, beach… whatever the activity, you have to do it with the right protection. We ride a bike with a helmet, especially for children. In the mountains, we don’t go for a walk in flip-flops. You need good shoes, suitable clothing or something to drink. We also don’t go in the sun without sunscreen. We don’t go skateboarding without a helmet and protection for the knees or the scaphoid, the hand bone. If there is an accident, it will be less serious thanks to the protections.
You also need to plan your program according to your fitness level. Every year, there are injuries or drownings because people overestimate their abilities and engage in intense physical activity when they don’t have the strength or breath to do it.
To avoid visits to the emergency room, it is imperative to find out about the specifics of your vacation spot. At the seaside, we find out about the tides, currents, and seabed. We check the color of the flag. If the UV index is 8 or 10, we do not do a “tanning” session. In the mountains, we check that the chosen hike corresponds to the abilities of all participants and we also check the weather. These are small logical things that everyone knows, but we must remind them to reduce accidents and their severity.