What is your first instinct when you are not feeling well? Bingo: even before making an appointment with your doctor, you look for information on the internet.
Moreover, according to a survey conducted in January 2011, 61% of French Internet users regularly surf the web to obtain information on a drug and 41% of them even use this tool to carry out a self-diagnosis.
On December 15, 2017, the most frequently asked “health questions” to Google in the United States during 2017 were made public by the search engine. And the least we can say is that they reveal various concerns …
Suicide, Lupus, and the Ketogenic Diet
Question number 1 on the charts: “what causes hiccups?” “. Just behind on the podium: “how to stop snoring? “. Third finalist: “where do kidney stones come from?” “. And in tenth position, we find “what is lupus?” “.
In terms of slimming, it is the ketogenic diet (low in sugars but high in good fats) which takes first place in the ranking since the volume of searches on this subject on Google has multiplied by 4 between January 2017 and December 2017.
Google specialists also note a marked increase in research related to suicide: + 23% for the question “how to prevent suicide?” “And + 26% for” how to commit suicide “. Disturbing …
Read also :
Depression: Google offers a test to aid the diagnosis
Health, sexuality, children … What our Google searches say about us
The “13 Reasons Why” series associated with an increase in internet research on suicide