Too early to start?
At the dawn of adolescence, your daughter gets used with more or less ease to her new silhouette marked by the birth of the breast. Should we buy her her first bra at the start of this metamorphosis? This is tempting, because the commercial offer today is abundant and often irresistible. It is also reassuring, because we would like to help her preserve this fragile feminine capital. Essential ? Maybe not when the breasts point under the T-shirt, but when they start to round out. Judicious? Everything depends on the expectations of the young lady, by turns proud and modest. Either way, the role of the bra is to prevent sagging tissue and to support the breasts. Consisting essentially of a mammary gland and fat, they are devoid of internal muscles, and only the skin, endowed with micro-muscles, ensures their maintenance. A good bra must therefore distribute the weight of the chest over the shoulders and back to avoid cell distension.
But why do “two mosquito bites” require such harness? For Dr Mahnaz Roure, surgeon and plastic surgeon, there is no urgency because, below cup A, the weight is almost zero and the tissues are little used. But we must remain vigilant, the chest can quickly change. After cup A (the letter indicates the size of the breasts from A to E), the question must be reconsidered. To limit the risk of sagging and the appearance of stretch marks, young girls are also advised to control their weight gain.
To offer it, delicacy above all
Bras and models with ultra-thin straps, or in super soft materials no longer provide sufficient support after the B cup. How do I know if the bra is too small? The girl should signal that he squeezes her and leaves marks on her skin. Otherwise, keep your eye open. With a model that is too tight, the chest “overflows” and forms two bulges above the upper seam. This is the signal to upgrade to the next size.
“Choosing the right model is one thing, offering it is another, and if this act turns out to be delicate, it is because it takes on an almost initiatory character. It is in fact akin to a remarkable rite of passage for the young girl, access to a sexualized body, ”explains Sarah Stern, child psychiatrist. No wonder that we often offer the first bra at a key moment such as a birthday, the first boom, the entry into a higher class … However, the way of ritualizing this gesture must be adapted to the sensitivity of your girl. Is she a little shy? Avoid giving him this gift in front of everyone, especially in front of the boys in the family.
You can plan an afternoon shopping with the girls and, if the teenage crisis has put some distance between you, why not delegate this task to someone else, such as a big sister, an aunt, or a godmother. The main thing is that this symbolic purchase is a pleasure and that it values it. But above all, avoid the big tirades of the style: “My daughter, you will soon be a woman …”. An important and symbolic act should not be redoubled with a heavy speech. Teens Hate!
Softness with good support
If your lady is a princess “with peas”, bet on the sweetness. A cotton model is ideal. And without whales. While these are safe, they are as uncomfortable as they are unnecessary for smaller breasts. But, when she is more trained, your teenager will appreciate the comfort, especially during her period when the breasts are sore, and when she moves, dances or plays sports. Is your teenager athletic? From the outset, give it a suitable model, with a substantial back band and wide straps ensuring optimal support. These bras considerably limit the impact of shocks for athletes or riders, and also prevent tissue distension.
Discreet models that respect modesty
If your daughter is modest and her breasts are coming too soon for her liking, she may not want to hear about lingerie. In this case, direct it towards a “minimizer” in triangle attenuating the volume without crushing, in a plain fabric and of a color close to its complexion, invisible under clothing. To convince her, let her know that the chest is all the more discreet the longer it is maintained.
If, on the contrary, she is burning with impatience to finally wear her first bra, do not wait to fill it, even if the curves are only emerging. You can help her feel as young as the girlfriends who are more developed than her. It’s a bit too early for balconies, but there are adorable, very feminine bras. In any case, be vigilant and renew her lingerie as quickly as necessary.