In the street or at home, more and more women tend to abandon the bra for more comfort and without risk to health.
- According to an Ifop study, in France, 6% of adult women do not wear a bra or no longer wear them, a figure that rises to 13% among those under 25.
- Wearing this underwear is based more on an injunction that pushes women not to show their nipples than on a health reason.
It’s a trend that jumped during the confinements: the “no bra“, literally “no bra“, has now become part of the habits of many French women.
France is indeed the country where there are the most women who do not wear them compared to its European neighbors, according to a new survey, carried out by the‘Ifop for XloveCam.
false need
And its positive effects on the health and comfort of women are gaining more and more followers, including among celebrities. Indeed, contrary to popular belief that the bra allows you to “support” the chest, studies on the subject show that it is rather the opposite: not wearing a bra would rather tend to improve their firmness as it may strengthen the natural supporting tissues.
This is particularly the case of a French study by Professor Jean-Denis Rouillon, specialist in sports medicine at the University Hospital of Besançon, which shows that wearing a bra does not prevent the sagging of the breasts of women, and could even increase it. “Our first results confirm the hypothesis that the bra is a false need“, said Professor Rouillon.
Avoid stretching the ligaments
The breasts do not contain any muscle but are supported by support fibers of the skin (Cooper’s ligaments), and rest on the pectorals which it is good to work since they participate in the maintenance.
Like most tissues, when they change in volume during pregnancy or weight gain, the breasts can tend to sag. And this reality is the same whether you wear a bra or not.
However, there is one fact to take into account: if you practice running or a sport with shocks, wearing a sports bra is recommended to avoid stretching the ligaments supporting the chest.