If the heat wave disturbs our sleep and plunges us into a state of torpor, it brings smiles to the sellers of air conditioners and fans. These air cooling systems are experiencing a significant upsurge in sales. According to ADEME (ecological transition agency) “many households and businesses have equipped themselves with air conditioning for more comfort. In 2020, and for the first time, the number of units sold exceeded 800,000 units, whereas this had stabilized at around 350,000 per year previously.”
The trick to not drying out the air
Apart from air conditioning, the fan also wins the favor of many households, because it is more economical and more ecological too. However, it is still necessary to use it wisely and to respect certain precautions! “There is no point in running a fan in a room with the windows closed, because we’re going to brew some hot air! So the atmosphere will quickly become unbreathable!warns doctor Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor.
The humidification trick, on the other hand, is a good idea. “You can spread a wet towel or a sheet in front of the device. This is how the air will cool. Or, pose in front of a container full of ice cubes or bottles of water taken from the freezer. We put some on a tray placed in front of the fan. Thus, by turning it on, it will diffuse a fresh air”, continues the specialist.
Allergic, use the fan in moderation
But be careful, according to Public Health France, using a fan in a room where several people live together, some of whom are carriers of the Covid-19 can become problematic. Indeed, the device will project “respiratory droplets emitted by people at a distance in the room and render the safety distance between people inoperative”. Another possible risk is that of asthma attacks and of dry eyes.
The reason ? According to the scientific magazine Sleep Advisor, by moving the air in the room, the fan can cause projections of pollen and dust to the sinuses. Indeed, the particles which settle on the blades are most of the time sent into the air breathed and will end up landing in the respiratory tract. So if you suffer from allergies, you may make the problem worse.
Finally, the continuously stirred air can also cause drying of the skin, mucous membranes and eyes, especially for contact lens wearers. It is therefore important to insist on the fact of ventilate the ventilated room well during the coolest hours. Because these devices are still a good solution not to suffocate. And above all, they are much more economical in terms of electricity consumption than air conditioners.
Thank you to Dr Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo, emergency physician and author of “Your health in the world after” published by Rocher.
Read also:
- Heat wave: 9 ways to cool your home without air conditioning
- Heat wave and heavy legs: what to do to relieve them (even at night)?
- Heat stroke: symptoms, duration, what to do and when to consult?