The right diet
– Do not skip meals: hunger can be responsible for a headache.
– Take it easy on certain foods: chocolate, nuts, fermented cheeses, yogurts, caffeine or lack of caffeine and frozen foods can be triggers.
– No alcohol abuse, especially white wine or champagne.
– Avoid smoky atmospheres. Spending an evening in a whirlwind of smoke is a guaranteed headache when you wake up.
The good rest
– A yawn? Hop to bed! Respect your sleep pattern: avoid staggered hours (late bedtimes, late mornings).
– A very soft pillow, nothing like a good night’s sleep. Ideally, the skull and neck should be in the same position as when we are standing. This alignment promotes muscle relaxation and ensures good blood flow. The choice of pillow depends on your position during sleep: firm if you lie on your side, softer if you lie on your back, and very soft if you sleep on your stomach.
– Yes to regular breaks when you’re at the office: overwork, but also bad positions in front of the computer cause muscle contractions that are just waiting to degenerate into an intense headache.
Sports and relaxation
– To relax – stress is often a crisis trigger – play sports: swimming is a good preventive tool because it erases muscle tension. You can also simply opt for a short regular walk.
– Relaxation will also allow you to evacuate your overflow of tension: massages, reflexology, sophrology, yoga, shiatsu, qi gong, tai-chi… You will learn to control your emotions, organize your time and know how to take advantage of the present. As soon as you are more relaxed, your headaches will decrease.
Good to know
A recurrent headache can be the first symptom of certain important diseases: arterial hypertension, glaucoma, Horton’s disease, cerebral aneurysm, intracranial hypertension, meningitis. A medical examination is therefore essential if the pain does not give way quickly with ordinary analgesics.