Breast, prostate and colorectal cancers, the most frequent in France, can be detected early and could even be avoided with a healthy lifestyle.
- The most common cancer in men is that of prostate, followed by those of the lung and colorectal.
- For women, breast cancer is the first, followed by colorectal and lung.
- Prostate, breast and colorectal cancers can be detected upstream.
In 2023, 433,000 new cases of cancers were screened in France, according to Public health France. This number has doubled since 1990. In men, the most frequent is prostate cancer, followed by those of the lung and colorectal. For women, breast cancer is the first, followed by colorectal and lung. For three of them – the prostate, breast and colorectal -, screening examinations are offered in France. They make it possible to diagnose the disease before it is too aggressive and therefore potentially fatal.
Possible screening for three of the main cancers in France
For prostate cancer, this screening takes place in two phases: rectal touch and dosage of the PSA (specific prostate antigen), visible by a blood test. Nevertheless, as recalled Health insurance“Today, the benefit of prostate cancer screening is not clearly demonstrated: it is not certain that this screening makes it possible to avoid deaths related to prostate cancer”.
On the other hand, for breast cancer, “The reduction of mortality by breast cancer linked to systematic screening by mammography would be around 15 to 21 %“, underlines Health insurance. In France, screening is organized: every two years, the 50-74 year olds receive an invitation to make, free of charge, a screening mammography.
For colorectal cancer, all people aged 50 to 74 receive, every two years, an invitation sent by health insurance. With it, the patient can remove a screening kit to make a stool analysis. This is a Sample sample samples to do at home and send. “” “In 9 out of 10 cases, early detection eliminates precancerous cells but also to better treat cancers, with less heavy and invasive treatments, for a 5 -year survival of 90 %”, Can we read on the site.
A good lifestyle is the best prevention
Finally, in France, as part of the National cervical cancer screening programwomen can also carry out exams for this disease, free of charge, during a smear.
But the best way to protect yourself from cancer is long -term prevention. It starts with a good lifestyle: regular physical activity, healthy and balanced diet, tobaccoological withdrawal, reduction in alcohol consumption, etc. According to a study published in the journal CA: a cancer newspaper for cliniciansup to 40 % of cancers and almost half of cancer deaths could be avoided thanks to changes in lifestyle.