Apps with useful health information
Apps are small programs (applications) that have been specially developed for the smartphone or tablet PC. For example games, but also apps that provide useful information. We have listed a number of health apps for you.
- HealthNet has a handy free travel app for vacation. With this app you will never again be speechless in a foreign pharmacy. From ‘abscess’ to ‘sunstroke’: all translations quickly at hand.
- KWF Zonkracht: Measures the sun power in the Netherlands and gives personal sun protection advice.
- Red Cross First Aid: Always have the correct first aid instructions in your pocket.
- Calorie Counter: Allows you to keep track of your calorie intake and how much energy you burn in a day.
- Label guide: Know what you’re buying. Including all E numbers with explanation in a row. Information comes from the Nutrition Center.
- VGZ Medicines: Reminds you to take your medicines on time.
- Self-care: Scan the barcode of an A-brand medicine and the package leaflet will appear on your screen.
- Longpas: Especially for asthma and COPD patients: with this they can keep track of their health status and register medication use.
- Hay fever ALERT.nl: Displays the current hay fever situation in six gradations.
- MedDossier: Allows you to keep your personal medical record.
- VGZ Slaap Lekker: Provides insight into your sleeping pattern and offers a self-help program to help you sleep better.
- TheCarrot.com: Provides tools to correlate data about yourself—such as what you eat, how much you exercise, and what medicines you take. For example, you can check whether exercise has an influence on your sleeping pattern. (in English)
Where to download
The three largest providers of apps are (depending on the operating system):
- Mac App Store, for Apple products, such as the iPhone and iPad
- Android Market, for smartphones and tablets with Android as operating system
- Windows Marketplace, for smartphones and tablets with Windows as operating system
Not all apps mentioned in this article are available with this one
three providers. Each provider has its own range. Many apps are free or cheap. And if they aren’t, the cost won’t exceed $10.
- Plus Magazine