From January 1, 2019, Health Insurance will reimburse 6 euros less on certain costly procedures. The decree was published on Friday in the Official Journal, information was broadcast by AFP and taken over by the Europe 1 site. The part covered by social security will increase from 18 euros to 24 euros.
This will apply especially to the more expensive acts. Especially those over 120 euros. The goal ? “Revalue the amount of the participation of the insured” stipulates the decree. That said, not all policyholders will be affected: pregnant women, the chronically ill or even disabled people will not be affected by this revaluation.
40 million euros per year for complementary health insurance
But this flat-rate contribution is very often reimbursed at 100% by mutual insurance companies, provident institutions and insurance companies. This measure should cost them about 40 million euros per year. The risk for the insured? See an increase in their contributions to complementary health.
Another part of the decree, an increase in reimbursements for certain compulsory health acts. Breast cancer prevention is at the heart of this measure: consultations for the prevention of breast and cervical cancers for women from the age of 25 will be covered at 100%.
On the other hand, compulsory health examinations for children under six will be fully reimbursed and pharmacists’ fees for certain particularly expensive and non-replaceable drugs.
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