June 13, 2016.
The radio frequencies emitted by cell phones worry users. Young people are the most affected, according to a recent survey. However, these heavy users are not the ones who take the most precautions when using their phones.
Two-thirds of French people keep abreast of advances in science
Until proven otherwise, the use of cell phones would not be harmful to health. All the studies published so far indeed prove that exposure to radiofrequencies from our devices would not be a factor in the appearance of tumors. or other danger to our body. However, these encouraging results fail to reassure users, many of whom are worried about the harmful effects of mobile telephony on the human body.
According to a survey conducted by Odoxa for Le Figaro, France Inter and MNH, 66% of French people are indeed worried enough to keep themselves regularly informed of the latest scientific conclusions regarding the dangers of cell phones.
People over 65 take more care when calling
This concern concerns more so-called “at risk” populations, those for whom the cell phone is an integral part of everyday life. Thereby, 44% of those under 35 are worried against 35% for those over 65. Women are also more concerned than men (43% against 35%). So many of them take some precautions when using their mobile phones. However, it is not the most worried who are the most cautious. Avoiding too long conversations or using a headset are reflexes more easily acquired in seniors than in those under 35.
A few days ago, a study published by the National Toxicology Program once again showed that mobile phones only had one ” low incidence »On the appearance of tumors in male rats that have been exposed to radio frequencies by the American organism.
To read also: Wifi, cell phones, antennas … Should we be wary?