Connected health tools, digital medical records, big data … Health Minister Marisol Touraine unveiled her national strategy e-health for 2020, July 4, 2016, in the premises of the Parisian start-up BePATIENT. This plan aims to “to support the players in the healthcare system in the digital shift” and of “allow France to remain at the forefront of innovation“especially in terms of digital medicine, underlines the ministry in a press release. Promoting the encounter between health and digital constitutes “a promise for patients, professionals and the healthcare system as a whole“, according to Marisol Touraine.
Big data, co-innovation, health democracy and security
This strategy revolves around four main axes. It is first of all a question of developing connected medicine thanks to a “big data” plan in health, for which the Minister had launched a vast public consultation last April. The use of these big data should help improve the interpretation of medical data and the development of diagnoses.
Second, the e-health strategy aims to encourage co-innovation between health professionals, citizens and economic players to develop digital medicine tools such as telemedicine tools or treatment monitoring applications.
Third, an alliance between health and digital technology could simplify the lives of patients by facilitating their administrative procedures (such as admission to a health establishment or making appointments online) but also by consulting them to improve patient care systems. health. Indeed, a digital platform of “health democracy” should allow everyone to give their opinion and communicate their ideas to improve medical care.
Finally, the Minister wishes to strengthen the security of health information systems and intends to put in place a specific action plan.
Digital at the service of healthcare innovations
If the Ministry of Health attaches such importance to digital, it is because it “is part of each of our daily gestures, and constitutes a new soil, incredibly fertile and promising, which allows the emergence of new inventions every day“, enthuses Marisol Touraine. The e-health strategy therefore hopes to promote the action of men and women”mobilized to advance our ways of preventing, diagnosing, curing, or simply communicating“, promises the minister.
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