When the fish is not frozen before being cooked, sushi can be the source of multiple ailments. A 34-year-old woman suffered for several months from hallucinations due to an intestinal worm after eating expired products.
- After eating expired sushi, a 34-year-old woman suffered from hallucinations, incontinence, stomach cramps and insomnia for months.
After eating expired sushi, 34-year-old woman suffered from hallucinations, incontinence, stomach cramps and insomnia for months, reports C news. Purchased at a service station, “the fish was a little sour, so to mask the taste, she added soy sauce”, reports Professor Chubby Emu on his Youtube channel.
After months of therapeutic wandering, where she thought she saw insects wandering on the walls and agitating under her skin, the mother of the family finally discovered that her suffering was due to the development in her body of a fish tapeworm. , better known as “tapeworm”.
Fish tapeworm outbreak
This is not the first time that tapeworms have developed in human bodies following the ingestion of sushi made from unfrozen fish. In Australia, a woman suffering from severe headaches was recently discovered to have a cyst filled with tapeworm eggs in her brain. In 2019 at the Rennes University Hospital, seven patients with fish tapeworm were diagnosed, a figure “exceptional in such a short period”underlined at the time Florence Robert-Gangneux, professor in the laboratory of parasitology-mycology of the CHU.
Forearm amputation
Another potential danger of sushi restaurants: amputation. In 2018, following food poisoning due to the consumption of raw seafood in a sushi-shop, a diabetic Korean declared a violent infection in his hand, which led to his arm being amputated. forearm.