Should we degrade the hair?
Not always. “In fact, there are different methods of layering, explains Stephan, hairdresser at Leonor Greyl salon. It is important not to thin this hair, because it would lose even more volume, but rather achieve what is called a” deep picket ” . It is a question, on certain strands of the thickness of a finger, to cut a few micro-locks of four or five hairs with the point of the scissors. These, by bristling, will serve as supports for the longer strands, and thus create a trompe l’oeil volume at the roots without removing material. ” But beware, only a hairdresser can perform this technique which requires skill.
The ideal, a short haircut?
Not necessarily. “You have to adapt the length to the density of the hair fiber” says Emmanuel Montecino, hairdresser at Aveda Monticeno salon. Sometimes it only takes an extra centimeter to achieve the desired result. Cutting on dry hair also allows you to better draw the volumes. For Stephan: “on fine hair, the cut is no longer appropriate after a month and a half.” It must therefore be refreshed regularly.
Is it more difficult to have density on the lengths?
Yes, but not impossible. If you want volume on the lengths (not on the roots), that is to say more density, a gradient on the half-lengths will give fullness and movement to the hair, because “the volume is before quite an optical effect, and not only of material “, explains Emmanuel Montecino.
Foam, spray and hairspray are they the same?
No. If you want a volumizing effect at the roots to provide fullness for an evening, apply a volumizing mousse to the still wet roots or a texturizing powder. But to give density to the roots and the lengths, sheathing or thickening tonic serums are the most indicated, because they will add thickness. The hairspray, as long as it is fine, is useful: not as a finish on the top of the head, but by spraying it on the roots, upside down, before brushing again.
Can care help me?
Yes. Styling products are an aid that should not be overlooked, but they need to be well chosen so as not to overwhelm the hair. “We must not multiply the treatments and especially avoid those which” load too much “the hair, because they must remain air, specifies Stephan. The difficulty is that the look obtained is great just after applying the product, but. .. it doesn’t last. “
Dry upside down, is it useful?
Yes and no. “It puffs up the sides and, contrary to popular belief, it flattens the top!” , specifies Emmanuel Montecino. To be reserved as needed for volume on the lengths.
Other solution : “We position our hair dryer on hot air to tame the hairstyle, and we do not forget to finish with a minute of cold air to fix the movement, recommends Stephan. Because if we run the fingers through the hair or its brush before, we break the result. ” Prefer a gentle drying by styling with your fingertips rather than an increasingly aggressive brushing. Above all, you don’t brush your hair when it’s wet! This damages them and they may break faster.
Does clay lighten oily hair?
Yes. If your scalp tends to grease, make a mask with clay or rhassoul (volcanic clay from Morocco) once a week (maximum). The minerals contained in this clay promote the absorption and regulation of sebum, eliminate dandruff and soothe itching. Rhassoul restores volume, shine and softness. It cleans without damaging the protective sheath of the hair. Apply to previously combed hair. Apply the mask from roots to ends. Lightly massage the scalp, leave on for a quarter of an hour, then rinse thoroughly.
For flat hair, are masks recommended?
Yes. Especially those based on henna, because this vegetable powder strengthens and coats the hair fiber. We can therefore use it to make “volumizing cures”. The goal is not to color, but to create texture: it is therefore imperative to choose a neutral henna. Mix the powder with a little hot water, apply all over the hair and leave on for 20 to 30 minutes. The density effect is quite impressive.
Last tip: avoid hair products with silicones. While they initially help to make the hair shinier and denser, they also weigh it down in the long term.
The boost from food supplements The special hair and nail capsules give the hair fiber a boost. Fortifying, they contain certain nutrients, such as zinc, an essential trace element which multiplies the keratinocytes (skin cells and integuments: nails, hair, etc.) at the heart of the fiber. But also proteins which stimulate the synthesis of keratin, amino acids (cystine, B vitamins). They make the hair softer and shinier. |
Our experts: Emmanuel Montecino, from Aveda Montecino, and Stephan, from Leonor Greyl.
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- 5 tips for regaining a healthy scalp
- What your hair says about your health
- 4 Ayurvedic recipes for hair