Free download – LeiaPix Converter – Turn your photos into a 3D movie

LeiaPix Converter - Turn your photos into a 3D movie

In Before Nop 2022/8 we wrote about 3D Photo Depth Map Generator, which allows you to turn any photo online into the kind of 3D photo you can post on Facebook. For a long time that was the only way to view a spatial variant of an image, but now there is LeiaPix Converter. Not only does it allow you to create an elevation map that, along with the original photo, can display a 3D image on Facebook, you can also save an animation of it in the form of a gif or mp4 file that you can use on any platform. Moreover, you can adjust all kinds of parameters to your liking.

LeiaPix Converter lets you here find.

Click the link above to download for free LeiaPix Converter – Turn your photos into a 3D movie

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