May 9, 2016.
Communist deputy for Oise, Patrick Carvalho, called for the creation of a commission of inquiry for Parliament to examine the issue of fibromyalgia, an illness that causes fatigue and muscle pain and which particularly affects women.
Fibromyalgia: what are we talking about?
According to the website, fibromyalgia is a neuro-tendino-muscular disease characterized by a chronic state of pain tendino-muscular, sleep disorders, fatigue, concentration and memorization disorders, reactive anxiety-depression. According to a large number of specialists, this disease should be considered a real handicap.
This is precisely the question on which the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly will have to work. ” The aim is to discuss what is this disease, which affects 1.5 to 2 million people in France, and 14 million in Europe », Explains the deputy Patrick Carvalho, at the origin of the creation of a commission of inquiry on the subject, in the columns of 20 minutes.
Fibromyalgia, soon recognized as a handicap?
If fibromyalgia is recognized as a handicap, women who suffer from it can be more supported and obtain flexible working hours, for example, at their workplace. Today, no treatment exists to effectively combat the symptoms of this disease.
” The sick suffer martyrdom », Adds the deputy. “ It is important that the Ministry of Health is concerned about this, and I hope that the findings of the commission of inquiry will help to make things happen. “.
Currently, fibromyalgia is only classified as rheumatism since 1992, by the World Health Organization (WHO) and, in France, it is not really recognized. The attending physician is the sole judge of the situation. If some believe that women who have these symptoms suffer from mental problems, it would seem that the origins are due to genetic predisposition. Case to be continued …
Read also: Natural remedies for fibromyalgia