The composition of the gut microbiota of people with fibromyalgia is different from the norm.
A correlation exists between fibromyalgia and certain gut bacteria, according to a new study published in the medical journal Bread. 77 women with fibromyalgia were compared to a control group, following which 20 different types of bacteria were found in higher or lower amounts in people with the condition.
Diagnose the disease in 87% of cases
“This is a first. We used various techniques, including artificial intelligence [et le machine learning]to confirm that the changes observed in the organism of the patients were not caused by factors such as diet, medication, physical activity or age”, explains Dr Amir Minerbi.
For the moment, it is impossible to say whether these intestinal bacteria are the cause or the consequence of this disease. “Based on our research, computers were able to diagnose the disease in 87% of cases. With this first discovery and more research, we hope to improve this accuracy”, explains Emmanuel Gonzalez, a researcher who participated in the study. Its end goal is to determine if the bacteria can help speed diagnosis and find a cure for the disease.
Difficult to diagnose
Publicized since 2017 by the famous singer Lady Gaga, fibromyalgia is a complex disease, characterized by the existence of chronic diffuse pain throughout the body. It is also accompanied by various manifestations such as sleep disturbances, fatigue and, in almost a third of cases, anxiety and mood disorders.
Difficult to diagnose, fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that evolves over many years, during which the pain remains present, even if it can be improved by the treatments put in place by the doctor. In general, the pathology attenuates naturally from the sixties. 2 to 4% of the population is affected.