February 13, 2018.
How do we know if our alcohol consumption is reasonable or excessive? By testing “Laurence’s Secret”, an online game launched by the Equity Addictions Fund, which identifies the most worrying signs of addiction.
Many women affected in France
Do you drink a small glass of wine from time to time and you do not know if this consumption is endangering your health? Now is the time to try the test ” Laurence’s secret », Launched by the Equities Addictions Fund. The objective of this platform is to make the general public aware of the situation women who do not always know that they are affected by this issue of alcoholism.
In France, between 500,000 and a million women are said to be addicted to alcohol. But how do you know? Alcoholism can be read on a woman’s face. His nose or cheeks may become red or puffy. The breath begins to show the addiction and the hair becomes dull. But other clues can alert, such as a general carelessness: disorder, late washing machines, expired food in the fridge …
How do you know if the consumption is excessive?
In “Le secret de Laurence” (which is based on the true story of Laurence Cottet, a former alcoholic), we see in her apartment many makeup products to hide the changes on her face, but also coffee beans in her apartment. her bag that she used to chew to cover her breath. Strategies that you need to know how to identify in the women around you.
According to the alcohol-info-service website, “ what can alert you is when consumption becomes more and more regular and that it would tend to become a need and no longer just a pleasure “. If it becomes more and more difficult for your loved one not to drink or to control his alcohol consumption, alone or in a group, then it is the moment to come to his aid, in confidence and in dialogue.
Marine Rondot
Read also: Difference between chronic alcoholism and acute drunkenness