THE skills assessment CPF can be supported financially up to 100%. You can even take your assessment without your employer knowing, because the results are confidential, in accordance with the law. The assessment will help you take stock of your professional career, even if you don’t want to change careers.
Who can benefit from a skills assessment?
Any active person, in particular:
- private sector employees,
- job seekers: the request must be made to Pôle emploi, APEC or Cap emploi,
- public sector employees (civil servants, non-permanent agents, etc.): specific texts but under conditions similar to employees.
What are the objectives of the Skills Assessment?
It allows:
- To analyze their personal and professional skills, aptitudes and motivations;
- To define their professional project and, where applicable, a training project;
- To use one’s strengths as a negotiating instrument for employment, training or career development.
How is the CPF skills assessment implemented?
Skills assessments are eligible for personal training account.
— Announcement —
- When the employee mobilizes his personal training account for an assessment carried out outside of working hours, the employer does not have to be informed.
- When the employee mobilizes his personal training account for an assessment in whole or in part, during working time, he must request the prior agreement of the employer according to the rules specific to the personal training account.
As part of the company skills development plan (employees) or reclassification leave:
The skills assessment can only be carried out with the consent of the employee.
It is the subject of a tripartite agreement signed by the employee, the employer and the organization providing the assessment. The agreement specifies the goalsthe content, the means, the duration and the period of realization, and the modalities of realization, the modalities of submission of the detailed results and the summary document as well as the price and the modalities of settlement of the balance sheet.
The employee has 10 days to make his acceptance known by returning the agreement he has signed. The absence of a response from the employee at the end of this period constitutes refusal. This refusal constitutes neither a fault nor a reason for dismissal.
When the assessment is carried out on working time, it is assimilated to the normal execution of the employment contract. The cost of the assessment is the responsibility of the employer, except in cases where the CPF is mobilized.
How does a CPF skills assessment take place?
The duration of the skills assessment varies depending on the needs of the person. It is a maximum of 24 hours. It is generally spread over several weeks.
The assessment necessarily includes three phases under the supervision of the service provider. The time spent on each phase varies depending on the actions taken to meet the person’s needs.
A preliminary phase aims to :
- to analyze the request and the needs of the beneficiary,
- to determine the format most suited to the situation and needs,
- to jointly define the procedures for carrying out the assessment.
An investigation phase allows the beneficiary :
- either to build your professional project and check its relevance,
- or to develop one or more alternatives.
A conclusion phase, through personalized interviews, allows the beneficiary to :
- take ownership of the detailed results of the investigation phase,
- identify the conditions and means favoring the realization of the professional project(s),
- plan the main terms and stages of the professional project(s), including the possibility of benefiting from a follow-up interview with the assessment provider.
This third phase ends with the presentation to the beneficiary of detailed results and a summary document. The balance sheet results are the sole property of the beneficiary. They can only be communicated to a third party with their consent.
Where to do a skills assessment?
The CPF skills assessment must be carried out by a service provider external to the company, who cannot organize the assessment internally for its employees.
Service providers financed by public funds or mutual funds are certified on the basis of criteria defined by decree of the Council of State.