The Skills Assessment is a decisive personal investment that often allows you to flourish professionally. It rewards intense introspection and a period of rich reflection. But, concretely, what will happen to you after the Skills Assessment?
You can start a reconversion
It is common for a skills assessment to result in a professional retraining. Some had a vague idea of a possible new professional project while others would never have thought of taking this path.
In any case, a retraining will allow you to get out of your comfort zone, gain self-confidence and realize that, ultimately, you have all the abilities required to embark on a new adventure. And if you still lack certain professional skills to apply for the job of your dreams, the Assessment can direct you towards certified training to acquire them.
You can validate a new professional project
THE Skills assessment can also lead to a completely different career project than what the participant initially imagined. The course can thus act as a revealer which allows the birth of a viable and credible project for the participant.
— Announcement —
The Skills Assessment can also lead to validation of a professional project that has been on your mind for years. Your coach will then provide you with an outside perspective which will allow you to assess the relevance of your project in view of the reality of the job market. You will thus check if it is well aligned with your professional skills.
You can keep the same job but change companies
After the Skills Assessment, you may realize that deep down, you like your job but that it is the functioning, the organization and/or the atmosphere of the company that displeases you. It is also possible that the sector itself is to blame. You love your job but you want to do it in another company, closer to your interestsyour values or… your home.
There is no point in prolonging the ordeal and if you have the opportunity, we encourage you to try the adventure elsewhere, in a society where you can flourish professionally. The idea is then to continue doing what you love, but in better conditions.
You can benefit from internal development
The Assessment can also help you take stock of your professional abilities and your objectives in order to see how you can develop in your current position. There is no question of letting routine settle in or of being the victim of a bore out !
Boredom at work can be as negative for mental and physical health as burnout. A skills assessment is therefore a reliable solution to promote internal development, such as a change of position or department.
Finding a job after the skills assessment
Carried out during a period of unemployment, the Skills Assessment can be a useful tool for bouncing back and (re)finding employment. It will allow you to take an overview of your aspirations, your know-how and possible actions to achieve your goals. This will also be an opportunity to optimize your job search method, update your CV and learn how to write cover letters that catch the attention of recruiters.
Follow-up that will reassure you!
Six months after Skills assessmentyour coach will offer you a post-assessment follow-up meeting to take stock of the actions you have put in place. This will also be an opportunity to make some possible adjustments before continuing your new professional adventure.
It’s still reassuring not to have the impression of being released into the wild once the Skills Assessment is completed. Don’t you think so?