Not all plants provide essential oils. Today, around 10% of listed plant species are classified as aromatic plants that can produce essential oil. Thus, there are large plant families that produce:
Conifers such as firs (Abies), pines (Pinus) or cedars (Cedrus), are commonly used. The needles, buds and bark of firs and pines are distilled, as well as the cones of cedars.
Apiaceae (formerly umbelliferae), constitute a very widespread family of plants. Rich in essential oils, they are often used as aromatics: dill (Anethum),anise (Anisum), fennel (Foeniculum), cumin (Cuminum), coriander (Coriandrum) …
Asteraceae, formerly called “compounds”, constitute the most important plant family. Its most famous aromatics are yarrow (Achillea), sagebrush (Artemisia), but also wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), chamomile (Chamæmelum) …
Lamiaceae with the many therapeutic virtues contained in their EO and antioxidant properties. We find lavender (Lavandula), thyme (Thymus), basil (Basilicum).
Other families are also very useful in aromatherapy such as betulaceae with birch (Betula), cistaceae with cistus (Cistus), cupressaceae with cypress (Cupressus), ericaceae with wintergreen (Gaultheria), geraniaceae with geraniums (Pelargonium) …
How do you get an essential oil?
The highest quality ofessential oil is obtained without solvent, by the process of steam distillation. The latter passes through the tank containing plants and takes care of their aromatic molecules. Cooled in the coil, the vapor condenses; the EO separates from the water to be collected in the essencier. Carried out at low pressure, slow and prolonged distillation – or full distillation – allows all of the components with therapeutic properties to be extracted. To obtain a liter of EO, an average of 35 kg of plants is needed; in the case of fine lavender, more than 150 kg of flowers! Two other processes are also used: the expression which consists in pressing the part of the plant concerned to recover the essences (citrus peels) and the solvent extraction during which the essences are dissolved in a volatile solvent (and not in water). A technique used in perfumery, not in therapy.
Read also :
Essential oils: how are they produced?
Aromatherapy, where does it come from?
Not all essential oils are created equal