The National Rally withdrew a bill which plans to “create an exempt ALD (Long-Term Affection) status for women suffering from endometriosis”. Explanations.
- Endometriosis affects around 10% of women worldwide and 1.5 million people in France.
- Endometriosis causes inflammation of the body and chronic pain in women.
- The National Rally withdrew yesterday, Thursday, October 12, a bill which plans to “create an exempt ALD (Long-Term Affection) status for women suffering from endometriosis.”
While the National Rally withdrew yesterday, Thursday, October 12, a bill which provides for “create an exempt ALD (Long-Term Affection) status for women suffering from endometriosis”, let’s come back to this little-known device.
Endometriosis and ALD: prolonged treatment
The long-term condition concerns an illness whose severity and/or chronic nature requires prolonged treatment. It is determined for a specific duration, and the prescriptions are made on a specific prescription.
Recognition of the illness as a long-term condition (ALD) allows 100% reimbursement (up to the reimbursement ceiling) of care and treatments linked to the pathology (those which are not linked to the ALD are reimbursed Normally).
Endometriosis, exonerating ALD and non-exempting ALD
“If you are suffering from a serious illness, lasting more than 6 months and requiring expensive treatment, the health costs linked to your illness are covered at the maximum reimbursable amount by Social Security (Social Security reimbursement basis ). We then speak of exempt ALD. Please note, certain costs remain your responsibility. specifies Health Insurance.
“In the event that there is no expensive treatment, it is possible to be on non-exempt ALD. This means that Health Insurance reimburses care related to the illness at the usual rates. However, this makes it possible to benefit from sick leave of more than 6 months and transport coverage (under certain conditions)”, concludes the health authority.
Endometriosis: chronic pain in women
“Endometriosis is a complex disease that causes endometrial tissue from the lining of the uterus to migrate to other places in the body where it is not supposed to be. This causes inflammation in the body and pain chronic in women”, obstetrician-gynecologist Alix Sesques explained to us recently.
According to the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, endometriosis affects approximately 10% of women worldwide and 1.5 million people in France.