Only one out of two employees considers themselves well informed about the existing health systems within their company, according to a survey on health and the company carried out by the research company Viavoice for Harmonie Mutuelle.
Complementary health insurance subscribed by the company, CHSCT, occupational medicine, personal protective equipment against noise, dangerous products… These health systems put in place by the company are little or poorly known to employees. Indeed, if 49% of the employees questioned consider themselves well informed, there are also 47% to consider themselves to be badly informed.
Employees and managers have a different vision of health in the company
If 87% of managers declare that it is the role of the company to contribute to the good health employees, and 79% of them say they have implemented actions to improve the daily lives of employees. However, only 35% of employees believe that their company has taken a certain number of actions for their health. The majority (61%) even believe that the company does not take into account the health of employers.
Improving health within the company
The excessive stress in the company and the rise of psychosocial risks worry the employees, less the managers. Indeed, almost half of employees (45%) believe that measures should be put in place to combat stress, while 28% of managers seem concerned about these anxieties.
The employees interviewed for this study believe that in order to improve their health and reduce the stress too present within the company, it is essential to put less pressure on the objectives of improving relations between managers and their team and working conditions. On the other hand, the leaders declare that the prevention of the risk passes by information.
“The question of stress is very present, especially in large companies”, explains François Miquet-Marty to the Le Figaro news site. “It is very difficult for a great leader to be aware of the stress of his employees, and especially to respond to it effectively”.
This survey was conducted online with a sample of 1,003 employees representative of the salaried population working in metropolitan France. For companies, the sample concerns 500 private and public managers.