Red meat and cold meats consumed in excess are not good for your health. In addition to the cancer risks already identified, this overconsumption would increase the risk of developing NASH, fatty liver disease.
The meat consumption decreases every year in France. In 2007, the French consumed an average of 58 grams of meat per day (excluding poultry), in 2013, they only consumed 52.5 grams. A trend that should continue to gain momentum for several reasons: health scandals, veganism trend and risks related to meat.
In fact, the consumption of red meat is associated with an increased risk of colon cancer, but could also have an impact on the risk of breast cancer. according to Inserm. A new study, published in the Journal of Hepatology, shows that overconsumption of red meat and cold meats increases the risk of developing non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). It was carried out by Israeli researchers from Tel Aviv University and Haifa.
One to two million people potentially affected
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), also called fatty liver disease or junk food disease, is non-alcoholic cirrhosis. It is linked to food, and mainly to a high consumption of fats and sugars.
One to two million French people could suffer from it. For the time being, liver transplantation is the only treatment technique.
White meat to favor
About 800 people participated in the research. 38.7% of patients were diagnosed with NASH. The heaviest consumers of red meat were mainly young men, with a high body mass index, and a high calorie intake.
The results show a link between the consumption of red meat and cold meats and NASH, regardless of the consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol in individuals. In addition, most red meat consumers resort to poor meat cooking techniques. Shira Zelber-Sagi is one of the authors of this research, she recommends consuming white meats, such as turkey or chicken instead.
It is better to prefer steaming or boiling, rather than frying the meat or grilling it at high temperature. For red meat and cold meats as well as for alcohol, moderation takes precedence.