April 17, 2017.
According to popular belief, chocolate makes you fat. Even if this is true, it also has virtues which make it a useful food for your body.
Cocoa is good for your body
Chocolate is first of all beneficial because it contains cocoa, an ingredient rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. In small amounts, these elements reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. To get the most out of it, choose dark chocolate, as it contains more of these substances.
The other type of key building block are flavonoids. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, help control blood sugar levels better and increase insulin sensitivity, thereby making your body more resistant to the development of diabetes.
In the end, it all depends on your lifestyle
However, you should be careful, because chocolate does not contain only cocoa. On the contrary, saturated fat and sugar are ingredients that should be avoided in large quantities.
Do not be afraid, however, to the point of refusing to eat it at Easter: it is not the “peaks” of consumption that instigate an imbalance in your body but rather repeated consumption, or even an unhealthy lifestyle. For people with good physical activity and a balanced diet, excess chocolate during festive periods is quickly dissipated. Conversely, for people with a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of chocolate is a factor that increases the risk of developing chronic diseases.
Read also: Chocolate, a treasure trove of health benefits …
Anton Kunin