Coffee has been of interest to science for a long time: over the course of studies, we have learned that it is good for energy but that it should not be abused during pregnancy, that it protects against obesity but that it could be responsible for migraines, that it helped to reduce gallstones but that it interfered with sleep, that it prevented certain cancers while it favored others… In short, researchers are not unanimous on the question !
A recent study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine and relayed by our colleagues from Parisianintends to make everyone agree: the researchers analyzed 96 scientific publications concerning caffeine and took stock of the (real!) benefits of our favorite drink…
First thing to know: when you drink between 3 and 5 cups of coffee a day (which corresponds to a caffeine consumption of a maximum of 400 mg daily), the health benefits are real: in particular, there is a reduction in fatigue, an increase in alertness and reduced reaction time. The famous “boost effect” traditionally associated with coffee is very real!
In high doses, coffee becomes harmful, even toxic, to health
Better: according to this study, a regular (and moderate) consumption of coffee would reduce the risk of breast cancer, melanoma and prostate cancer. “For a long time it was thought that coffee could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but recently evidence of its health benefits has emerged. This is particularly due to the hundreds of biochemically active substances contained in the caffeine, such as polyphenols. These components are good for our metabolism“explain the researchers.
On the other hand, from 6 coffees a day, the drink becomes harmful: “in very high doses, caffeine causes anxiety, nervousness, excessive excitement, even psychomotor agitation“explain the researchers. And from 20 coffees a day (i.e. 1.2 g of caffeine daily), it is even toxic since there is an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and adrenaline levels – which is bad for the heart. Conclusion: coffee, yes, but without abusing it…
Read also :
Coffee, friend or foe of athletes?
Are you addicted to caffeine? It’s because of your genes
Teenager dies of drinking too much caffeine