Who doesn’t love cherries? And in the summer months they are widely available at cherry growers and supermarkets. Tasty and healthy! But what is the most convenient way to pit them?
Cherries – also known as morels or cherries – are often available in June, but they are at their best in July and August. For the taste it is best to keep them uncovered in a cool place. They can then be kept for about one to two days. You can keep them in the fridge for a little longer, about three to five days.
Healthy fruits
Cherries are high in vitamins A and C and the mineral potassium. This mineral lowers blood pressure and protects against cardiac arrhythmias. Potassium – together with sodium – also ensures that nerve impulses are properly conducted and muscles contract. In addition, there is also beta-carotene in cherries. Beta-carotene is a provitamin A and is converted by the body into vitamin A. This makes it important for resistance and vision, but it also contributes to healthy bones, teeth and skin and growth.
life hack
prussic acid can be found in the pits of cherries. That’s another word for cyanide. This toxic substance is released when you chew or grind a kernel. It is therefore recommended not to swallow the pits of cherries. But if it happens by accident, it can’t hurt right away. You can do this quickly and easily with this lifehack from Lekker Van bij Ons.