Catawiki reveals that we don’t all buy mass-produced smartwatches after all, but still have taste and buy real watches.
Catawiki is a Dutch company from Assen. On the website you can find auctions and therefore buy things. The company publishes a wikicollection of collectors’ catalogs, which can be edited by any registered user, and has been organizing online auctions in dozens of categories since 2011. Since its inception, the company has grown enormously. Now the company is releasing hopeful news that watches are in great demand. Where craftsmanship is key!
‘Real’ watches
When Apple launched its first smartwatch, many people feared that it would replace the old-school watches. But what turns out? Millennials too, this generation has a passion for technology, have a love for real craftsmanship. Happy.
The company sees that on its site. Today, the platform is the most visited internet auction site in Europe. You can buy everything there. From art, antiques, fossils and handbags. Of course also watches and they are becoming increasingly popular. This also makes them worth more. A pleasant side effect for people who have such a collector’s item. Last weekend there was a vintage Rolex auction, where a masterpiece had to yield tons of money.
Apple is obviously not a company you like to compete with. When Apple launched the smartwatch, many watchmakers will have raised their eyebrows. Fortunately, there is Berry Harleman who says that this has not turned out to be the case. ‘You see that people still appreciate the craftsmanship of the watchmakers of, for example, Cartier and Jaeger-LeCoultre. In the last five years in particular, you have seen increasing enthusiasm for these types of watches among young people. The iconic models in particular are still gaining popularity.’ That is also a conclusion from the trend report that the auction site just made.