Faced with the circulation of new variants of Covid-19, the French government has changed the health protocol in companies in order to fight against the spread of viruses. Among the new flagship measures, the use of homemade masks is now prohibited in the workplace.
Category 2 masks now prohibited in companies
To deal with the health situation and the spread of new variants of Covid-19, the government updated, on January 29, the corporate health protocol. Among the new measures, the use of category 2 masks is now prohibited in the workplace. This decision follows the recommendations of the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) which recommends wearing category 1 masks to prevent the British and South African variants.
For information, category 1 masks provide filtration of more than 90% of the 3 micron particles emitted by the wearer against a filtration of 70% for category 2 masks. When purchasing, the label must bear the mention “UNS1”. This is why the employer must now provide its employees with category 1 masks or surgical masks.
Social distancing passes two meters
Another change in company health protocol: the change in the safety distance between employees who do not wear a mask. Indeed, social distancing goes from two meters instead of one, including when traveling. This new measure also concerns outside workers and must also be applied in collective catering areas. If this restriction cannot be applied, then wearing a mask is compulsory.
As a reminder and as recalled by the ministry, employees working in the workshops are authorized not to wear the mask, ” as long as the ventilation / functional aeration conditions comply with the regulations, that the number of people present in the work area is limitedé ”.
Promote 100% teleworking
If the government still encourages companies and their employees to promote 100% teleworking, it is still possible to do one day of face-to-face work per week. This measure, introduced in early January in the protocol, has not changed and still allows workers to return to the premises of their companies “ when they express the need, with the agreement of their employer “, As the authorities explain in the new corporate health protocol.