The start of the school year is soon on the way and the epidemic is far from being curbed. However, on April 26, the students will join the school benches. Among the means of controlling viral circulation: self-testing for Covid-19. What does the Scientific Council recommend? Which students can perform a self-test?
A type of test suitable for young people
This Thursday, April 22, the Scientific Council recommends the use of self-tests in schools. These screening tests, which are taken and read by the person themselves, could be deployed in colleges and high schools. However, certain conditions are required. On the one hand, a ” former »Should show the pupils how to use the self-tests within the establishment, before they are carried out at home under parental control. For the Scientific Council, the self-tests are “ a public health opportunity “. In addition, they have a crucial role to play in controlling the epidemic, especially in schools. Indeed, before the start of the third confinement, the virus and the English variant circulated quite significantly in schools. Soon, schools will reopen and measures must be taken accordingly. According to the Scientific Authority, the antigenic self-test (ATAG) “ for middle and high school children the ATAG is suitable “. However, for the time being, the self-test is recommended for young people from the age of 15 by the Haute Autorité de Santé. The latter could update her opinion, because she has ” the opportunity to expand the use »Self-tests every 10-15 years. For the moment, concerning kindergarten and primary pupils, the Scientific Council, which advises the government, explains that “ either the ATAG is possible and must be deployed with the help of parents, if possible at home before arriving at school, or as an alternative, PCR tests on saliva samples will be maintained in conjunction with a biology laboratory “.
Self-tests deployed in schools
According to the Council, these screening tests should be used at least until the fall of this year, because ” They will be a major complementary element in controlling the circulation of viruses, through their ability to quickly detect an asymptomatic contagious person. “. Experts estimate that one to two weekly tests would ” to have a very significant impact on the risk of school spread of the virus », Provided that at least three quarters of the pupils participate in the campaign. Indeed, the vaccination of young people and children is not yet topical in France and screening remains a good way to curb the coronavirus epidemic.