For Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), a trained physicist, a judoka by passion, feeling, sensation, thought and action form a whole. “Also to improve the action, it is necessary to improve the perception,” explains Vladimir Latocha, Feldenkrais practitioner. Often we do things a certain way because we think there is no other way to do it. But it is enough to feel better, to become aware of its movements to initiate the change. ”Through a work of bodily exploration, the Feldenkrais method therefore aims to break with our automatisms, find the gesture that suits us and, by doing so, expand our gestural and postural repertoire thanks to an optimal use of all the mobilities of our body.
In practice
The session usually begins lying on the floor, in order to become aware of all the parts of the body and the different tensions and stiffness that inhabit it. Then the practitioner invites the student to a gestural exploration through different movements, described and not shown. “Thus, everyone is free to interpret the movement as they wish, and with the possibilities of their body”, specifies the practitioner. Performed on the floor, standing or on a chair, these are small, simple but unusual movements, involving parts of the body that are little used. They are carried out slowly, with the least possible effort, and above all in full consciousness for a deep sensory exploration. The gesture is repeated to feel what is happening in certain joints or at the global level, each component of the movement is detailed, variants are introduced; we focus on how movement flows and how parts of the body relate to each other. Everyone experiments, tests, analyzes, to finally find the movement that suits him best.
What are its applications?
The Feldenkrais method is for anyone who wants to improve their functioning. For example :
People who are doing well, but who want to get better and take more pleasure in their movements.
People suffering from joint pain and stiffness, back pain, muscle tension.
Patients in rehabilitation after an accident. After a Stroke, it can help relearn muscle contraction patterns; in children with cerebral palsy, it will help in motor learning.
Sportsmen, musicians, singers, actors … who have a high level of functioning and who seek even more physical ease.