44% savings: this is the discount that the next beneficiaries of aid for the acquisition of a new complementary health insurance (ACS) can expect. People earning less than 11,700 euros per year will be able to benefit from this new aid from July 1, 2015. Concretely, they will only have to choose between 10 offers preselected by the government as part of a call for proposals. national offers. These contracts were chosen for their best value for money and services. The beneficiaries will be able to “treat themselves in a simpler and cheaper way” announced the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, in Le Parisien / Today in France dated June 29.
A simpler and more economical device
The new contracts offer the same type of benefits for all beneficiaries, but their prices change depending on the age of the insured and the level of coverage chosen. But they will in all cases allow beneficiaries to have better access to medical care.
“All of them are cheaper, or cover better. Some of them, even, cost less by providing better coverage, ”recalls the Ministry of Health.
And, according to a study by the DREES (Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics of the Ministry of Health), revealed by the daily Le Parisien, “these ACS-labeled contracts will allow beneficiaries to reduce their budget. mutual from 15% to more than 40% ”.
The survey reveals that, today, “the average cost of complementary health for ACS beneficiaries is 765 euros, the three new cheapest contracts offer an offer at 581 euros, a decrease price of 24%. For an 80-year-old retiree, the bill may even fall by 44%, or from 1,087 euros per year today to 554 euros, for a similar offer ”. Since June, a website identifies existing offers. Everyone can find their way around according to their personal situation.
“Our goal for the end of 2015 is to reach 1.3 to 1.4 million people,” explains the Minister of Health, against 1.2 today. “This reform does not cost a cent to the State”, assures Marisol Touraine, recalling that it is “the competition” which allowed these price cuts.
To note : From now on, requests for supplementary health insurance must be made on the ameli.fr website. And to know how to subscribe to a complementary health insurance and choose it well, all the information is on the selectra.fr website
Read also:
- Complementary health insurance: reimbursement of glasses now regulated
- Generalization of third-party payment: complementary health insurance plans to unite to better implement it
- More and more French people do not have a mutual