Burdock is a biennial plant (which has a lifespan of two years) of the asteraceae family that can reach 2 meters high!
Its leaves, seed (seeds) and roots all have medicinal properties. Today the burdock root is the most widely used; indeed it is the most active and concentrates the maximum of nutrients.
Burdock leaves and roots have been used in herbal medicine for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties since the dawn of time. In Chinese or Indian medicine it was used to treat joint pain or even abscesses. Europeans used it in the Middle Ages to treat kidney problems, venereal diseases or even dermatoses and skin diseases …
The brand Saforelle – expert in intimate hygiene – very quickly became interested in this unique plant and especially in its calming and soothing properties. It has included burdock in the composition of the products of its range, and in particular of its most emblematic treatment, Gentle Cleansing Care. The active ingredient used comes from burdock roots rigorously selected and cultivated in France. Present in all the products of the range Saforelle, burdock therefore brings that little extra softness and appeasement, essential when it comes to our intimacy …