While Météo France plans for the next few days to increase the cold in certain departments, the general health directorate recalls the main measures to be adopted in the event of extreme cold, especially for vulnerable populations (homeless, infants, the elderly or presenting certain chronic cardiovascular, respiratory or endocrine pathologies).
Extreme cold, icy wind and snow are meteorological risks which can be damaging to health. Their effects are insidious and can go unnoticed. We must therefore redouble our vigilance.
Each year, hundreds of people are victims of pathologies caused by the cold. This acts directly by causing frostbite and hypothermia. It promotes asthma attacks and acute coronary insufficiency (angina pectoris), as well as the development of bronchopulmonary infections.
In addition, one of the indirect consequences of the cold is the increased risk of poisoning by carbon monoxide, the leading cause of death from toxicants in France.
In case of extreme cold:
Limit outdoor activities if you are at risk. Unless absolutely necessary, avoid taking your baby out during very cold periods.
If you still have to go outside:
Adapt your clothing: remember to cover your head and bring a scarf to cover the lower face and especially the mouth. Dress very warmly.
Be especially vigilant for infants and children. Avoid placing your infant in a baby carrier, which may compress his lower limbs and cause frostbite. It is preferable that your child is carried in the arms, pram or stroller so that he can move regularly to warm up,
At home :
Make sure that ventilation and heating appliances are in good working order, which must have been serviced before use. Do not overheat wood stoves or auxiliary heaters because of the risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning. Auxiliary heaters running on fuels (eg: kerosene) or camping are to be avoided for the same reasons.
To ensure the necessary air renewal in your home, do not block the air vents and ventilate your home daily, even if the temperatures are very low.
Keep the room temperature at a suitable level of around 19 ° C.
In case of use, it is essential to install the generating sets outside buildings, they must never be placed inside.
Finally, remember to check in regularly with the elderly or disabled and / or isolated from your neighborhood or entourage.