At the age of 6 months, only 25% of French children are still breastfed. However, breastfeeding benefits babies in many ways.
- The No. 1 cause of early cessation of breastfeeding is the lack of support.
“Breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life has an important impact on the health of the child”. In a press release, the National Union of the Medical Technology Industry (Snitem) lists the many advantages of breastfeeding, the choice of which is obviously up to each mother (many babies develop very well thanks to formula milk, Ed. ).
Obesity, blood pressure, infection
Studies carried out on cohorts of newborns have shown a reduction in obesity and blood pressure in adolescence, a better lipoprotein profile in adults and fewer allergies for breastfed children.
For premature infants, the benefit of breastfeeding has also been demonstrated with fewer infections, ulcerative-necrotizing enterocolitis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and retinopathy during hospitalization.
There are also long-term positive effects for the health and development of these children: reduced risk of cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies, as well as better cognitive development.
70% of mothers want to breastfeed exclusively at the entrance to the maternity ward
At the age of 6 months, only 25% of French children are breastfed. According to a study conducted in 2018 on 8 AP-HP maternity wards, 70% of mothers want to breastfeed exclusively when entering the maternity ward, and they will already be only 50% when leaving. Many of them underline the discordance of the speeches and the advice received. “The No. 1 cause of early cessation of breastfeeding is the lack of support. There is a real need for support for mothers in their breastfeeding plan from the moment they are born and when they return home. The number green that we created SOS lactation 75 receives nearly 2000 calls per year. It will be extended to the whole of Ile de France on April 1, 2021”, recalls Dr Virginie Rigourd, pediatrician at Necker Hospital.