Several scientific studies have already focused on the (negative) impact of artificial light on human health: neon lights, LEDs and other streetlights are thus accused of increasing the risk of cancer (of the thyroid, in particular), weaken the bones, or cause chronic muscle disorders.
In a report published this Thursday, July 29, 2021, theNational Academy of Medicine dots the “i’s” about the effects of artificial light on our health.
First, the experts affirm it: the photo-toxicity of artificial light (and, in particular, of the blue light which makes up this artificial light) constitutes a “a postman [de risque] major” for degenerative diseases of the retina – such as AMD.
Do not work at night for 3 nights in a row to protect your health
Second, nocturnal exposure to artificial light has “a deleterious effect on the internal clock“, which can result in sometimes severe sleep disorders – this particularly concerns night workers and adolescents.
Thirdly, the National Academy of Medicine points to an increased risk of breast cancer (between 50% and 200% greater than the average) in nurses exposed to artificial light at night – a major risk which is explained by “melatonin inhibition, sleep deprivation and desynchronization“.
For the National Academy of Medicine, exposure to artificial light at night should be included in the list of “endocrine disrupting agents“. Specialists recommend that people who work at night avoid working 3 nights in a row. For teenagers, it is essential to “limit the duration of exposure to screens of all ages“. Finally, it is better to choose “bulbs with yellow light and LEDs that do not emit blue for domestic lighting“.
Read also :
- Anti-fatigue: The true from the false of what exhausts us!
- Sex: exposure to lights at night would be bad for fertility
- Depression: watching TV at night increases the risk