The Gustave Roussy Institute, the first cancer control center in Europe, has set itself the objective of reaching 80 % of cancer cured patients by 2040. This is how it intends to achieve it.
- Each year, 450,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in France. Two out of three patients heal.
- The objective is to reach 80 % of patients healed by 2040.
- Rapid diagnostics, vectorized internal radiotherapy (RIV), cell therapies or combined antibodies (ADCS) could help achieve it.
Each year, 450,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in France. Screening campaigns and scientific advances allow two out of three patients to heal. But this rate could still be improved.
“Arrive in fifteen years to 80 % of patients healed thanks to the acceleration of technological progress, drugs and treatments that will be available to us realistic”assures Professor Fabrice Barlesi, Managing Director of Gustave-Roussy, during the press conference held upstream of World Cancer Day on February 4.
To achieve its objective, the Institute has a specific battle plan: strengthen prevention, accelerate diagnosis as well as develop and improve treatments.
“What we need is to find cancer cholesterol”
In its search for improving cancer prevention, the Institute is carrying out studies like Yoda whose objective is to identify the causes of digestive cancers in young adults or the Interception program which offers personalized support to people in increased risk of cancer. “What we need is to find cancer cholesterol. Can we have a circulating or tissue marker that would show that you are exposed to a risk of cancer, and thus modulate this risk to Make sure you never have this pathology?explains Professor Fabrice André, director of research for Gustave Roussy.
The other objective is to offer a diagnosis one day for all tumors, like that existing for breast cancer. This program called Instadiag seeks to “Condense in 24 hours or over a few days all the exams necessary for the laying of a final diagnosis”. Several courses aimed at accelerating the diagnosis have already been able to open for the pathologies of the thyroid, liver, pancreas, gynecological cancers and lungs.
Liquid biopsy also nourishes the hope of accelerating the diagnosis and management of malignant tumors. “Thanks to a blood test, we are able to identify tumor DNA, which avoids doing analyzes on the fabric. It’s easier, it goes faster and it gives a more precise image of the disease “”explains Professor André. “Today with the Fresh program, we are able to offer this liquid biopsy with a test validated by Europe throughout the national territory. It has a fairly short realization period since the result is known in 7 or 10 days.” Thirty centers carry out this type of examination in the country. The institute that works to deploy it, targets the hundred by the end of 2025.
Treatments that will help achieve the target of 80 % of healings
Research also works to improve treatment. “As part of early clinical trials, Gustave Roussy includes more than 5,600 patients. It is also more than 580 open tests “says Professor Fabrice Barlesi.
One of the therapeutic innovations – which is already bearing fruit for prostate cancer – is vectorized internal radiotherapy (RIV). “The idea is to use an antibody capable of recognizing the present anomaly. It is grafted a radioactive element so that it specifically delivers it to cancer cells. This makes it possible to preserve healthy tissues and limits the harmful effects”explains the scientist. “It is a colossal field and in full development. It could become such an important part in our therapeutic arsenal as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapies in management.”
Another research point that can improve the chances of healing patients: cell therapies. This consists in injecting into the patient’s body of cells from the laboratory immune system to strengthen their cytotoxic activity directed against cancer cells. “The whole of 4e floor of Gustave Roussy will be dedicated to research on cell therapies. “
Conjugated antibodies (ADCS) – Drugs composed of an antibody targeting an element on the surface of cancer cells and coupled with chemotherapy – are also a source of hope. “They are already often used in the fight against cancer. However, they are still quite mysterious. We must understand with whom it works, which is the best target. This will best select people for whom this type of treatment is effective”, Specifies Fabrice Barlesi.
Numerous research is also underway to achieve the target of 80 % of patients healed within 15 years such as AI, robot-assisted surgery, remote monitoring, development of advanced technologies …