An innovative concept which consists in re-educating the body by adopting the appropriate postures, the Boby Reboot is developing in France. Interview with the two coaches behind this innovative practice that could overcome back problems.
Re-educate your body and adopt the right postures to get rid of our ailments. This is the promise of Body Reboot, a new concept which, thanks to massages, pilates, yoga, stretching and stretching, relieves the body of bad postural habits.
Initiated by Jessica and Mariana, coaches and medico-sports educators in Paris, thee Body Reboot allows a precise analysis of the moving body in order to detect any muscular or postural delays and to avoid injuries as well as the relaxation of the body. “We allow people to understand their body and the cause of their pain. They can thus control it and become independent in their daily actions and during the sport”, explains Jessica.
“Back pain can be solved if you know how to position yourself”
What are the bad postures that we are used to adopting without knowing that they are harmful to our body? “When a person is too sedentary or too often sitting for example, the body spontaneously adopts a bad position. ”Indigned by certain recommendations made by health professionals and posturologists, Mariana explains to us that people think, for example, wrongly that it is necessary to bulge the torso and tighten the shoulder blades to stand up. “VSIt is almost forbidden to do this, as they further deform their spine and can injure themselves. To straighten up, we activate the spine and the erectors of the spine “, that is to say the three muscles located in the lower back.
Knowing how to position yourself is therefore essential. In 2017, a survey carried out by OpinionWay and relayed by 20 minutes claimed that 9 out of 10 French people suffer from back pain. Precisely, 84% of 18-24 year olds say they have already had back pain: 25% of them often have pain, 37% from time to time and only 15% are not affected. In question: an often sluggish posture, stress and a lack of knowledge of safety rules for carrying heavy loads, working at an office or playing sports. However, say the coaches, “this evil of the century is solvable if we know how to position ourselves. By analyzing the body, we understand why a person has pain in the shoulders, neck, or back. And generally, they fall from a height when the pain disappears thanks to postural rehabilitation “.
“We massage, we stretch, we decompress”
A recent study conducted by American researchers has shown that the way we lean in front of a screen can, for example, cause pain in the neck, back and head. Indeed, the weight of a human head varies between 5 and 7 kilos. But when we lean it forward, at a 45 degree angle, our neck then becomes a long lever that lifts a heavy object, and the weight of our head and neck approaches 20 pounds. “The people who suffer will then see physiotherapists or others, who push them even more towards the adoption of these bad postures “by ignorance or worse, who treat them without instilling in them the good ones. reflexes.
“We massage, we stretch, we decompress the part that hurts and we re-educate, explain the coaches. All while applying the method that suits everyone (pilates, yoga, stretching and stretching, Editor’s note) according to their body , of its physical and muscular quality “. In short, the Boby Reboot comes down to listening to the body and instilling in it a new way of being, of standing and of evolving, whether in everyday life, at work or in a gym.